Julia Stenzel

Julia Stenzel

Ph.D., McGill U., 2018 - Professeure adjointe en études bouddhiques, Université de Katmandou, Centre d'études bouddhistes de l'Institut Rangjung Yeshe, Népal

Recherche : Je m'intéresse aux processus de transformation dans l'histoire intellectuelle du bouddhisme, en me concentrant particulièrement sur les transformations dans le domaine des pratiques contemplatives. J'ai examiné l'adaptation et la domestication des enseignements de l'adepte indien Saraha Mahāmudrā dans des contextes bouddhistes tibétains pour mon mémoire de maîtrise (réalisée à University of the West, CA). Pour ma recherche doctorale, j'ai retracé la compassion (karuṇā) de l'Indien Mahāyāna aux Traditions Tibétaines de Formation de l'Esprit et de Cheminement Graduel, et plus loin au monde de la formation laïque de la compassion dans l'Amérique du Nord contemporaine.

Superviseurs : Lara Braitstein, Thupten Jinpa

Mots-clés : traditions contemplatives, Mahāmudrā, compassion, éthique, transformation

Publications (sélection):

Mémoires et thèses

The Buddhist Roots of Secular Compassion Training. A Comparative Study of Indian and Tibetan Mahāyāna Sources with the Contemporary Program of Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) (Dissertation). Montreal: McGill University, 2018.

From Radishes to Realization: Saraha and his Impact on the Mahāmudrā Tradition of the Tibetan Karma Kagyu School (MA Thesis). Los Angeles: University of the West, 2008.


“Fierce Devotion to all Beings. The Role of Emotions in Śāntideva’s Introduction to the Way of the Bodhisattva (Bodhicaryāvatāra).” In review process for online publication at Les Émotions au Moyen Age, carnet d’EMMA, http://emma.hypotheses.org/

“The Four Joys in the Teaching of Nāropa and Maitrīpa. International Indian Journal of Buddhist Studies 16 (2015): 193-214. Editors: Roger Jackson, Lalji Shravak

“The Mahāmudrā of Sakya Paṇḍita.” International Indian Journal of Buddhist Studies 15 (2014): 199-228. Editors: Roger Jackson, Lalji Shravak.

Chapitres de livre

“Milarepa und Lama Gendun.” In Lama Gendun, Ein Meditations Meister. Edited by Bettina Secker. Norbu Verlag, Badenweiler, Germany, 2018.

Traductions et participation aux traductions

Pith Instructions of Tokmé Zangpo (thogs med kyi zhal gdam) by Khenchen Appey Rinpoche. Mkhan chen A pad rin po che mchog gig sung ‘bum. Pod dang po. Chödung Karmo Translation Publishing. 2018.

The Questions of Tokden Gyan (Rtogs ldan rgyan). In “The Mahāmudrā of Sakya Paṇḍita.” International Indian Journal of Buddhist Studies 15 (2014): 199-228. Editors: Roger Jackson, Lalji Shravak.

The Noble Ākāśagarbha Mahāyāna Sūtra. Translated by Sakya Paṇḍita Translation Group. 84000 Translating the Words of the Buddha: http://read.84000.co, published 2014.

A Small Collection of Hymns to Be Recited at Prayer Festivals. Translated by Rinchen Gyaltsen and Julia Stenzel. Dehradun: Dolma Phodrang Publications, 2011.

The Noble Mahāyāna Sūtra entitled The Display of the Pure Land of Sukhavati. Translated by Sakya Paṇḍita Translation Group.84000 Translating the Words of the Buddha, http://read.84000.co, published 2008.

“A Song of Meditation - Dohakośa Mahāmudrā Upadeśa.” In Stenzel, From Radishes to Realization: Saraha and his Impact on the Tibetan Mahāmudrā Tradition. 72-84. Los Angeles: UWest, 2008.

“Buddhist Monasteries of the Thai Forest Tradition in Ontario.” In Consecrated Life in Canada, edited by Jason Zuidema, and Victor Hori, 345-357. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2015.

“Saraha’s Dohakośa Mahāmudrā Upadeśa as an Example of Early, Mahāmudrā Literature.” In Buddhism, Buddhists and Buddhist Studies, Edited by Hari Shankar Shukla, Lalji Shravak, 91-102. Delhi: Buddhist World Press, 2012.